Monday, March 10, 2008


After spending the past 2 weeks digging deep in an attempt to understand the poor foundation I have with financial matters, I made two simple discoveries:

1. There was plenty of fat to trim from our overall food tab.
Even in making a half hearted attempt to cut costs, our food bill for January 08 was over $1000. Given my new mindset, that's just not going to work. We eliminated all eating out in sit-down restaurants and, so far this month, the total spend on fast food only is $50. Still not good. I really wanted that number to be a big fat ZERO.

Speaking of "big" and "fat", I can see that I am physically wearing the results of our forays into some of the nicest sit down restaurants in LA. I have some serious poundage to shed.

Going back to the food budget, the overall spend for February was $682. Going down, but not down enough. So far in March, food spend has been $247 - I really want to stay around $400 per month for 6 people.

2. We eat too much.
Plain and simple, the plates are piled with too much food. I think I can get away with preparing half the usual amount and thus restricting everyone (myself included) to just ONE serving. That means no seconds or thirds .....

There is a relatively new WinCo Foods in town. I've never scoped it out but, this morning, I'm going to. I really want to see the food bill shrink along with waistlines.

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