Sunday, March 9, 2008

New Beginning Part 2

I decided to delete the new blog I have been writing over the past two weeks.

While cathartic, I deleted it because I felt its discovery by family members would do far more harm than good. It felt good to write about things that had been bottled up inside me for so long but, at the same time, I didn't feel it was fair for me to "whitewash" my conscience at the expense of others. For that reason, I deleted that blog to start another one. I really don't want my family to discover my deepest, darkest secrets about our finances after all. Seen in such a harsh light, the revelations would bring nothing but recrimination and hurt. It is my job now to fix the damage and to do it as quickly as possible. I take full responsibility for our financial situation because I am the root cause of it.

I really enjoyed writing the blog though. It definitely helped me to put my thoughts down in relative anonymity and to see my "Big Picture" so much more clearer - I believe I actually made some good initial mental progress. I feel now that I do have some control over the income that we earn and that I need to start treating our family's finances like a business of sorts.

I went from having a 401K, the workings of which I knew nothing about, to a plan to repay the loans taken out against it and to learn more about investments and diversification in general.

I went from having no savings plan at all to actually opening a savings account with ING.

This blog is a continuation of the dialogue I was having with myself. With the warts camouflaged somewhat under heavy makeup.

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